Arbitrator Profiles

IAReporter has developed Arbitrator Profiles for each of the most active arbitrators in the field of investor-state arbitration (i.e. those with 3 or more appointments).

Each Arbitrator Profile offers:

  • a list of all known appointments, including otherwise-confidential matters that are uncovered by IAReporter investigations
  • details on who appointed the arbitrator in each case
  • graphs and analytics that display appointment patterns
  • custom news-feeds that shows you all of our reporting on that arbitrator
  • A “related arbitrators” feature that identifies overlapping cases with other arbitrators
Research tip: you can still research the activity of other arbitrators in this field – even if they don’t have a full Arbitrator Profile on our site – by visiting the Case Profiles part of our website and using the “arbitrators” filter option in the left-hand margin. Every arbitrator who has appeared in even a single case is listed there.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. J
  10. K
  11. L
  12. M
  13. N
  14. O
  15. P
  16. R
  17. S
  18. T
  19. U
  20. V
  21. W
  22. Y
  23. Z

Disclaimers: We create a case profile for any arbitrator who has been appointed in at least three known investor-state cases. Case names have been shortened to conserve space, but you can click on any case to view that case in a separate "Case Profile" page; the association of an individual with a particular case does not mean that he or she continues to be involved in the case now (personnel often change over the lifetime of cases) and readers are encouraged to do follow-up research to confirm the present-day involvement of a particular individual in a particular case; the profiles are updated on a rolling basis as new information comes to light; readers are welcome to email us at with any suggested additions or proposed corrections. Back to top