Arbitrator Profiles
IAReporter has developed Arbitrator Profiles for each of the most active arbitrators in the field of investor-state arbitration (i.e. those with 3 or more appointments).
Each Arbitrator Profile offers:
- a list of all known appointments, including otherwise-confidential matters that are uncovered by IAReporter investigations
- details on who appointed the arbitrator in each case
- graphs and analytics that display appointment patterns
- custom news-feeds that shows you all of our reporting on that arbitrator
- A “related arbitrators” feature that identifies overlapping cases with other arbitrators
Abdel Wahab, Mohamed
Abi-Saab, Georges
Abraham, Cecil W. M.
Adebayo Ojo, Christopher
Adekoya, Olufunke
Affaki, Georges
Aikens, Richard
Ajibola, Bola
Al-Khasawneh, Awn
Alexandrov, Stanimir
Alvarez, Henri
Angelet, Nicolas
Annacker, Claudia
Argueta Pinto, Milton
Arias, David
Audit, Bernard
Aynes, Laurent
Babić, Davor
Baizeau, Domitille
Baker, C. Mark
Banifatemi, Yas
Barros Bourie, Enrique
Bastid Burdeau, Genevieve
Beechey, John
Bello Janeiro, Domingo
Bencheneb, Ali
Berger, Klaus Peter
Berman, Franklin
Bermann, George
Bernardini, Piero
Bethlehem, Daniel
Bienvenu, Pierre
Binnie, Ian
Bishop, Doak
Bjorklund, Andrea
Blanch, Juliet
Boeckstiegel, Karl-Heinz
Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence
Boo, Lawrence
Born, Gary
Bottini, Gabriel
Boucobza, Xavier
Boykin, James
Brekoulakis, Stavros
Briner, Robert
Brower, Charles N.
Bucher, Andreas
Buergenthal, Thomas
Bull, Cavinder
Bullard, Alfredo
Bulnes Serrano, Felipe
Caflisch, Lucius
Cairns, David J.A.
Cameron, Peter D.
Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando
Cardenas Mejia, Juan Pablo
Caron, David
Carter, James H.
Cass, Ronald
Castellanos Howell, Álvaro Rodrigo
Cheng, Teresa
Cicchetti, Tina
Clay, Thomas
Clodfelter, Mark
Collins, Lawrence
Collins, Michael
Comair-Obeid, Nayla
Conejero, Cristián
Conthe, Manuel
Cooper-Rousseau, Bertha
Craig, Laurence
Crawford, James
Cremades, Bernardo
Crivellaro, Antonio
Crook, John R.
- D
- E
- F
Gaillard, Emmanuel
Gaitskell, Robert
Galindez, Valeria
Galindo, Álvaro
Garibaldi, Oscar
Garro, Alejandro
Gearing, Matthew
Gharavi, Hamid
Giardina, Andrea
Gill, Judith
Glick, Ian
Gloster, Elizabeth
Gomez-Pinzon, Enrique
Gonçalves, Eduardo Damião
Gonzalez Arrocha, Katherine
Gonzalez de Cossio, Francisco
Gonzalez Garcia, Luis
Gotanda, John
Greenwood, Christopher
Greenwood, Lucy
Griffith, Gavan
Grigera Naon, Horacio
Guillaume, Gilbert
Gunter, Pierre-Yves
Habegger, Philipp
Hafez, Karim
Haigh, David R.
Hanefeld, Inka
Hanotiau, Bernard
Happ, Richard
Hascher, Dominique
Heiskanen, Veijo
Hertzfeld, Jeffrey
Hierro, Antonio
Hober, Kaj
Hoffmann, Leonard
Hoffmann, Anne K.
Hollander, Pascal
Honlet, Jean-Christophe
Hosking, James
Hossain, Kamal
Hunter, J. Martin
Hwang, Michael
- J
- K
- L
Magallon Gomez, Eduardo
Malintoppi, Loretta
Malinvaud, Carole
Mance, Jonathan
Mantakou, Anna
Mantilla-Serrano, Fernando
Martinez Coco, Elvira
Martinez de Hoz, Jose
Mayer, Pierre
McLachlan, Campbell
McRae, Donald
Miles, Wendy
Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Mohamed
Molfessis, Nicolas
Moollan, Salim
Moreno, Jose Antonio
Moser, Michael
Moura Vicente, Dario
Mourre, Alexis
Muigai, Githu
Murphy, Sean
- N
- O
- P
Radicati di Brozolo, Luca
Ragnwaldh, Jakob
Rajah, VK
Ramirez Hernandez, Ricardo
Ramsey, Vivian
Reed, Lucy
Rees, Peter
Reichert, Klaus
Reiner, Andreas
Reinisch, August
Reisman, Michael
Ridings, Penelope
Rigo Sureda, Andres
Riofrio Piché, Mélanie
Rosell, Jose
Rovine, Arthur
Rowley, J. William
Rubins, Noah
Ruiz Fabri, Helene
Sacco, Sabina
Sacerdoti, Giorgio
Sachs, Klaus M.
Salacuse, Jeswald
Sales, Jacques
Sands, Philippe
Scherer, Maxi
Schill, Stephan
Schneider, Michael
Schreuer, Christoph
Schwartz, Eric
Schwartz, Bryan
Schwebel, Stephen
Sekolec, Jernej
Sepulveda-Amor, Bernardo
Shin, Hi-Taek
Shore, Laurence
Silva Romero, Eduardo
Simma, Bruno
Siqueiros, Eduardo
Slim, Hadi
Smouha, Joe
Soderlund, Christer
Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy
Spigelman, James
Stanivukovic, Maja
Stein, Erica
Stern, Brigitte
Stirnimann Fuentes, Franz X.
- T
- U
van den Berg, Albert Jan
van Haersolte-van Hof, Jacomijn
van Houtte, Vera
van Houtte, Hans
van Leeuwen, Melanie
Varady, Tibor
Vasani, Baiju
Veeder, V.V.
Verhoosel, Gaetan
Vilkova, Nina
Villanua, Deva
Vinuales, Jorge
Vinuesa, Raul
Volterra, Robert
von Segesser, Georg
Von Wobeser, Claus
Voser, Nathalie
- W
- Y
- Z
Disclaimers: We create a case profile for any arbitrator who has been appointed in at least three known investor-state cases. Case names have been shortened to conserve space, but you can click on any case to view that case in a separate "Case Profile" page; the association of an individual with a particular case does not mean that he or she continues to be involved in the case now (personnel often change over the lifetime of cases) and readers are encouraged to do follow-up research to confirm the present-day involvement of a particular individual in a particular case; the profiles are updated on a rolling basis as new information comes to light; readers are welcome to email us at with any suggested additions or proposed corrections. Back to top