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Looking Back: ATA v. Jordan tribunal found that “retroactive application” of Jordanian arbitration law violated investment treaty and reinstated contractual arbitration clause annulled by Jordanian courts
Apr 22, 2024 -
Looking Back: In Desert Line v. Yemen, ICSID tribunal confirms the power to award moral damages, and also canvases questions of investment acceptance and admission
Apr 16, 2019 -
Looking Back: SGS v. Philippines tribunal adopts drastically different approach to meaning of umbrella clause than that of arbitrators in Pakistan case
Mar 05, 2019 -
Exxon goes back to ICSID, asking a new tribunal to rule on damages in aftermath of 2017 annulment of $1.4 billion damages award
Oct 27, 2018 -
Looking back: In Petrobart v. Kyrgyz Republic dispute, a sales contract does not constitute an investment under the Kyrgyz foreign investment law, but it later finds protection under the Energy Charter Treaty
Sep 25, 2017 -
International Court of Justice to have rare opportunity to weigh in on meaning of Fair and Equitable Treatment and other investment protections
Mar 23, 2017 -
ANALYSIS: Exxon annulment committee chastises tribunal on proper role of domestic law in BIT compensation determinations
Mar 09, 2017 -
Breaking: $1.4 billion damages in favour of Exxon are annulled, as ICSID annulment panel finds fault with earlier tribunal's damages reasoning in Venezuela case
Mar 09, 2017 -
Looking Back: in first known treaty-based investor-state arbitration, AAPL v. Sri Lanka, tribunal saw a failure to protect investment that was overrun during counter-insurgency
Jan 15, 2017 -
Fortier-chaired UNCITRAL tribunal dismisses BIT claim by former Iraqi government minister against Pakistan
Sep 04, 2016 -
Arbitrators in Exxon v. Venezuela case conclude that government triggered revision process in order to hinder enforcement of earlier award
Jun 18, 2015 -
Arbitrators in Exxon v. Venezuela case award $1.6 bil with an asterisk, and part ways with Conoco tribunal in deeming expropriation to have been lawful
Oct 09, 2014 -
In Exxon v. Venezuela case, arbitrators apply hefty discount rate to anticipated cash flows, and view the risk of confiscation as part of "country risk"
Oct 09, 2014 -
Annulment committee in Pey v. Chile case clarifies applicable interest rates but can't supplement earlier ruling
Sep 14, 2013 -
ICSID annulment committees decline to annul arbitral awards in Malicorp v. Egypt and Lemire v. Ukraine
Jul 10, 2013 -
With partial annulment of Pey Casado v. Chile award, the door opens again for further arguments in ICSID’s longest-running case
Dec 21, 2012 -
Former Iraqi Minister initiates treaty claims against Pakistan, but government is slow to respond; at least three other arbitrations afoot
Dec 21, 2012 -
ConocoPhillips wins one and loses one in ICC fight with Venezuelan state oil company
Sep 23, 2012 -
In new arbitral ruling, Burundi is held liable for treaty-breaches in long-running quarrel with Belgian investors
Jul 03, 2012 -
ICSID tribunal admits counter-claim in BIT dispute; outcome is a setback for counsel that had recently sat as arbitrator in case where counter-claims were excluded
Jul 03, 2012 -
Heritage Oil v Uganda tax arbitration heads to jurisdictional hearings
Apr 30, 2012 -
Togo fails to overturn ICSID arbitral award; damages owed to French electricity investors amount to 12% of state revenue
Sep 15, 2011 -
Arbitral award will stand in Vivendi v. Argentina case, but an arbitrator is criticized over lack of disclosure
Sep 15, 2010 -
Arbitrators in Exxon case rule that Venezuelan statute does not provide consent to ICSID arbitration; BIT claim for nationalization will proceed
Jun 16, 2010 -
Tribunal orders Jordan to halt local court proceedings and allow commercial arbitration of dispute
May 26, 2010 -
Arbitrators selected in ICSID proceedings against Cambodia, Ecuador, Jordan, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile
Jan 16, 2010 -
BIT claim quietly pursued by Swiss claimant against Uzbekistan in long-running dispute over payment for grain shipment
Oct 22, 2008