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Analysis: In Exxon v. Venezuela resubmission award, ICSID tribunal ponders res judicata effect of previous decisions, and finds that contractual limitation of liability mechanism would have been key in the valuation of damages owed on account of lawful expropriation
Aug 02, 2023 -
Japanese investor asks for rectification of Spanish renewables award
Jan 11, 2023 -
Analysis: Unpacking the reasons that led the Eurus v. Spain tribunal to award 106+ million USD to compensate for the claw-back component of Spain’s new regulatory regime
Nov 21, 2022 -
Spain is ordered to pay 106+ million EUR to Japanese wind farm investor
Nov 16, 2022 -
Analysis: Tribunal rules that Maduro government should continue to represent Venezuela in ICSID arbitration, invoking the status quo principle
Sep 15, 2022 -
Co-arbitrators dismiss Venezuela’s renewed attempt to disqualify Stephen Drymer from ICSID tribunal
Nov 11, 2021 -
A new chair is named to hear the quantum phase of the Eurus v. Spain ECT arbitration
Oct 13, 2021 -
Co-arbitrators dismiss Venezuela’s challenge to Stephen Drymer in ICSID arbitration
Aug 25, 2021 -
Analysis: Tribunal majority in Eurus v. Spain gives weight to EU law in assessing the claimant’s legitimate expectations
Mar 29, 2021 -
Tribunal in latest Spanish ECT award grants weight to EU state aid obligations and finds sole breach in claw-back measure
Mar 24, 2021 -
Arbitrators comings and goings: A new resubmission tribunal, a revision tribunal, and a new chair
Aug 18, 2020 -
Breaking: SCC tribunal finds no breach of Energy Charter Treaty by Italy, in latest award to decide renewables claims
Mar 27, 2020 -
Looking Back: In Lucchetti v. Peru, arbitrators declined jurisdiction ratione temporis, side-stepping Peru’s allegations of corruption; majority of ICSID ad hoc committee denied request for annulment
Sep 19, 2019 -
In ConocoPhillips’s second ICC arbitration against PdVSA, tribunal uses amiable compositeur powers to find that Venezuela should repay loan – but other contractual claims are dismissed
Aug 09, 2019 -
In second ICC arbitration against Venezuela’s PDVSA, ConocoPhillips is awarded only $54 million (US), including interest
Aug 05, 2019 -
Looking Back (3 of 3): Resubmission tribunal in Klockner v. Cameroon awards compensation to investor, and second ad hoc committee declines to annul award
Mar 19, 2019 -
In newly-uncovered award in Tomasz Czescik and Robert Aleksandrowicz v. Cyprus, Derains-chaired tribunal sees no expropriation arising from government's financial crisis response
Dec 13, 2018 -
Looking Back (2 of 4): Amco Asia v. Indonesia tribunal’s finding that investment license was unlawfully revoked is knocked down by annulment committee that saw “insufficiently pertinent” reasons
Oct 14, 2018 -
ConocoPhillips concludes settlement agreement with PdVSA regarding payment of recent $2 billion ICC Award
Aug 20, 2018 -
Cyprus disputes round-up: an update on efforts by investors to sue Cyprus over 2013 restructuring of key banks
Jul 24, 2018 -
Looking Back: early ICSID awards against Congo-Brazzaville in AGIP and Benvenuti & Bonfant cases touched on stabilization clauses, flouting of provisional measures, and questions of quantum
May 18, 2018 -
ANALYSIS: review of Conoco-PdVSA ICC award reveals why tribunal saw two measures in breach of contract – including income tax hike over which ICSID tribunal had declined jurisdiction
Apr 30, 2018 -
ANALYSIS: in new ICC award, tribunal uses ex-post data valuation, rejects demand for compound interest, and finds that availability of investment treaty arbitration should mitigate country risk
Apr 30, 2018 -
As ICSID process grinds on, ICC tribunal weighs in with ruling under contract and orders PDVSA to pay ConocoPhillips $2 billion for breach of oil contracts
Apr 25, 2018 -
Looking Back: In Tradex v. Albania case, arbitrators saw jurisdiction under domestic investment law, but claimant fails to prove expropriation or attributability to the state
Nov 13, 2017 -
Italy claims: A trio of Energy Charter Treaty arbitrations emerge in Stockholm, a tribunal is appointed at ICSID, and some repeat-players are beginning to emerge
Aug 24, 2017 -
Cyprus prevails in first treaty-based claim relating to banking sector measures
Feb 23, 2017 -
Crawford and Collins are each tapped (again) to chair Energy Charter Treaty claims against Spain
May 04, 2016 -
UPDATED: Conoco v. Venezuela ICSID case stalls again as chairman Kenneth Keith resigns, and appears in danger of being eclipsed by parallel ICC arbitration
Mar 23, 2016 -
Round-up of known claims under European Development Fund arbitration rules
Aug 03, 2015 -
Arbitrators reject Greek investor’s claims that Romanian tax enforcements and food safety inspections breached investment treaty; Romania must bear $4 Million of its legal costs
Dec 15, 2011 -
Arbitrators decline jurisdiction over Romania’s counter-claim against investor; Counter-claims popping up in other ICSID cases, particularly Ecuadorian oil disputes
Dec 15, 2011 -
Patrick Mitchell v. Democratic Republic of Congo award is annulled at ICSID
Nov 01, 2006