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Korean state-controlled companies settle nuclear technology intellectual property dispute
Jan 28, 2025 -
Uncovered: SIAC tribunal hearing dispute with Vietnamese state-owned entity finds that US sanctions do not constitute a force majeure event, but awards sanctioned Russian party 500+ million USD in compensation for termination of thermal power plant contract
Sep 27, 2024 -
Singapore Court of Appeal declines to set aside ICC award that granted damages to state party due to defective military equipment delivered by foreign supplier
Sep 13, 2024 -
Analysis: ICISD ad hoc committees hearing cross annulment requests in Lone Star v. South Korea continue stay of enforcement, stressing that claimants cannot seek both award’s partial annulment and its enforcement
Jan 10, 2024 -
Committees hearing cross annulment requests in Lone Star v. South Korea extend award’s stay of enforcement
Dec 18, 2023 -
Three are in place to hear cross-requests for partial annulment of Lone Star v. South Korea award
Nov 02, 2023 -
Gold miner lodges resubmission proceedings in ICSID dispute with Kazakhstan, shedding light on unpublished annulment decision
Oct 17, 2023 -
Second arbitration between Yemen and international oil consortium concludes with an award, leading to agreed set-off in enforcement proceedings
Sep 25, 2023 -
Revealed: UNCITRAL tribunal dismisses treaty claim against India
Aug 07, 2023 -
Latest award in investor dispute against Laos emerges, revealing decision by Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler-chaired tribunal to find (most) claims barred under collateral estoppel
Aug 08, 2022 -
Investigation: As Yemen’s oil sector crumbles due to armed conflict, numerous arbitrations by Chinese, Indian and Western investors have quietly played out
Aug 03, 2022 -
Singapore court declines to set aside award that dismissed claims against Laos based on collateral estoppel
Jun 03, 2022 -
One ICSID case against Albania concludes, while another one is reopened
May 09, 2022 -
ICSID arbitration against Venezuela is discontinued
Dec 06, 2021 -
TECO v. Guatemala resubmission annulment committee accepts evidence that was not submitted in the underlying arbitration
Oct 11, 2021 -
Southern and Eastern Africa Round-Up: A tribunal is revealed, an award against Rwanda, a dispute involving Kenya’s road authority, and claimants seeking to settle
Sep 30, 2021 -
Analysis: Ad hoc committee refuses to annul Glencore v. Colombia award, rejecting Colombia’s arguments based on illegality and corruption allegations; committee finds that procedural orders may be reviewed if they tainted the award
Sep 28, 2021 -
ICSID ad hoc committee declines bid for annulment of Glencore v. Colombia award, dismissing Colombia’s allegation that the tribunal unduly dismissed corruption allegations
Sep 24, 2021 -
Laos defeats bid by casino investors to set aside pair of awards; court emphasizes that arbitrators have a “public duty” to address issues of corruption
Sep 10, 2021 -
Revealed: ICSID ad hoc committee grants the investors’ request for a continued stay of the Albaniabeg award, citing Albania’s failure to comply with a related investor-state decision
Aug 31, 2021 -
ICSID ad hoc committee hearing latest chapter of TECO v. Guatemala saga orders continuation of stay of enforcement
May 25, 2021 -
ICSID ad hoc committee is named to hear cross annulment requests in mining dispute
Apr 16, 2021 -
An ICSID annulment committee is in place to hear Guatemala’s bid to annul resubmission award in long-running electricity arbitration
Apr 01, 2021 -
Analysis: Tribunal in FREIF v. Spain relies on the claimant’s own due diligence to determine that the investor could not legitimately expect a fixed return
Mar 16, 2021 -
SCC tribunal unanimously dismisses renewables claim against Spain
Mar 09, 2021 -
India is facing treaty-based arbitration claims by Mauritian airport investor, with a tribunal already in place
Nov 05, 2020 -
Three are in place to hear claimants’ bid to annul Albaniabeg v. Albania award
Oct 16, 2020 -
Arbitrators comings and goings: a new tribunal, two replacements, and a new ad hoc committee
Apr 05, 2020 -
Hungary fails to annul award in favour of French investor at ICSID
Mar 11, 2020 -
Spain succeeds in disqualifying arbitrator Kaj Hober in Energy Charter Treaty arbitration
Jan 14, 2020 -
Revealed: In newly-unearthed ICC award, corruption defence fails and Zimbabwean state miner is ordered to pay $45 million (US) over two failed mining ventures
Jan 13, 2020 -
Venezuela round-up: ICSID ad hoc committee rejects annulment bid in Highbury case, a new chair is named for Saint Patrick case, and another annulment proceeding is discontinued
Sep 11, 2019 -
Three are named by ICSID to hear Hungary's effort to annul intra-EU BIT award
Apr 17, 2019 -
An update on under-the-radar arbitral rulings that address Achmea objection
Jan 13, 2019 -
ICSID committee declines to annul Suez v. Argentina (Case 03/17) award, but frowns on ICSID's arbitrator challenge process and copy-paste approach used by arbitrators across several awards
Dec 17, 2018 -
Analysis: In a striking new award, ICSID tribunal rules that Achmea judgment does not cast shadow over ICSID-based arbitration; but efforts to empanel ad-hoc committees to review such intra-EU BIT awards keeps getting harder
Oct 11, 2018 -
Tribunals are finalized to hear a pair of arbitration claims against Gambia
Mar 27, 2018 -
As another Spain award looms, four more previously-confidential renewables cases surface; potential liability for all pending claims now exceeds $9.5 billion
Feb 07, 2018 -
In-depth: in a newly-surfaced Waterville Holdings Limited vs. Ghana award, Michael Moser-chaired tribunal defers to Ghanaian judicial determination that an investor's contract was constitutionally invalid
Oct 12, 2017 -
Laos casino dispute lurches back to life, as arbitrators find that they have jurisdiction to determine if settlement was breached
Jan 05, 2015 -
Venezuela’s failure to produce documents leads to inference that they may be unhelpful to Gov’t, but majority can’t conclude that ambiguous law offers consent to international arbitration
Nov 20, 2013 -
Venezuela says oil arbitration lodged via 1999 investment statute has been dismissed on jurisdictional grounds; dissenting opinion also rendered
May 30, 2013 -
Effort to disqualify arbitrator in Venezuelan oil nationalization case is unsuccessful; adjudicators acknowledge that multiple arbitral appointments can be a concern
May 19, 2011 -
ICSID will hear challenges to two Venezuela arbitrators simultaneously; meanwhile another Venezuela dispute is suspended as arbitrator is challenged
Feb 01, 2011 -
Tribunals picked in Bangladesh, Kazakhstan and Venezuela disputes
Jan 13, 2011