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Looking Back: ICSID tribunal in Azpetrol v. Azerbaijan decided that e-mail exchange qualified as binding settlement agreement, and dismissed the case after finding that there was no dispute left to be resolved
Mar 06, 2023 -
Looking Back: In Siemens v. Argentina, arbitrators used MFN to bypass local litigation requirement and found an expropriation of contractual rights, but ultimately saw their award abandoned as part of Siemens' settlement of bribery scandal
Feb 03, 2020 -
Looking Back: Canfor/Tembec/Terminal softwood lumber arbitrations provided early engagement with questions of parallel NAFTA Chapter 11 proceedings
Oct 10, 2019 -
Looking Back: In Soufraki v. UAE, Fortier-chaired tribunal makes its own inquiry into the claimant’s professed nationality; at annulment stage, committee members diverged on fate of award
Jul 16, 2019 -
Looking Back: In first case to grapple with BIT umbrella clause, SGS v. Pakistan tribunal adopted cautious approach
Feb 28, 2019 -
Looking Back (2 of 4): Amco Asia v. Indonesia tribunal’s finding that investment license was unlawfully revoked is knocked down by annulment committee that saw “insufficiently pertinent” reasons
Oct 14, 2018 -
Annulment committee weighs in with verdict in Gambrinus v. Venezuela arbitration
Oct 04, 2017 -
Looking Back: In ADF v. USA arbitration, "Buy America" requirements lead arbitrators to take first look at NAFTA’s government procurement exception, and to consider scope of minimum standard of treatment
Aug 24, 2017 -
Disagreement over domestic law underpins Occidental partial annulment, while challenges to 2008 jurisdictional decision are rejected
Nov 03, 2015 -
Ecuador round-up: Key rulings loom in half-dozen cases, including windfall levy disputes, Occidental annulment, and several lesser-noticed arbitrations
Apr 10, 2015 -
In-Depth: the Fraport v. Philippines (2) award
Jan 27, 2015 -
In-Depth: The Daimler v. Argentina annulment decision
Jan 11, 2015 -
Argentina round-up: ICSID ad-hoc committee declines to annul 2012 award in Daimler case; three panelists chosen to hear challenge to SAUR award
Jan 08, 2015 -
In Oxy case, ICSID panel sees no present reason to grant request for partial enforcement of stayed $1.75 bil award so as to offset potential tax collection by Ecuador
Sep 24, 2014 -
ANALYSIS: The scope for ICSID arbitrators to agree to hand on to ICSID the task of resolving challenges to colleagues
Mar 18, 2014 -
Challenges filed against Feliciano and Sands at ICSID; replacement arbitrators named in two other cases, after tribunal departures
Jan 08, 2014 -
Arbitrator steps down after being challenged in multi-billion dollar Venezuelan gold mining dispute
Dec 12, 2013 -
ICSID annulment notes: Sri Lanka seeks to overturn award in favour of Deutsche Bank; panelists named to hear Daimler’s challenge to Argentine verdict
Mar 12, 2013 -
Three panelists named to decide fate of billion dollar arbitral award from Occidental v. Ecuador case
Jan 22, 2013 -
ICSID Docket Round-Up: Four tribunals are announced in Peru, Venezuela, Albania and Romania cases; ICSID picks chairs in two cases following deadlock
Dec 01, 2011 -
Venezuela claims round-up: three tribunals named, two new arbitrations filed by victims of nationalizations, and one investor looks for funding
Oct 12, 2011 -
Claimant thwarted at ICSID pursues contract-based arbitration at Dubai International Arbitration Center
Jan 22, 2009 -
Azerbaijan asks tribunal in Energy Charter Treaty case to dismiss claim following witness testimony as to bribe provision
Oct 01, 2008