New works on international investment law and arbitration, March 2017-June 2017
Cuendet, Sabrina. Droit des investissements internationaux: Perspectives croisées (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2017).
Marboe, Irmgard. Calculation of Compensation and Damages in International Investment Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Burr, Andrew (ed). International Contractual and Statutory Adjudication (New York: Routledge, 2017).
Aiche, Josef and Others (eds). Decisions of the Arbitration Panel for in Rem Restitution: Volume 7 (London: Hart Publishing, 2018, forthcoming).
Van de Velden, Jacob. Finality in Litigation: The Law and Practice Of Preclusion: Res Judicata (Merger And Estoppel), Abuse Of Process And Recognition Of Foreign Judgments (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Hertz, Ketilbjorn and Lookofsky, Joseph. Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration: An Analysis of American, European and International Law, 4th ed (Copenhagen: Djoef Publishing 2017).
Shaughnessy, Patricia and Tung, Sherlin The Powers and Duties of an Arbitrator Liber Amicorum Pierre A. Karrer (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
McLachlan, Campbell and Shore, Laurence. International Investment Arbitration: Substantive Principles (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Cuniberti, Gilles. Rethinking International Commercial Arbitration: Towards Default Arbitration (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2017).
Cole, Tony. The Roles of Psychology in International Arbitration (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Vandevelde, Kenneth J. The First Bilateral Investment Treaties: U.S. Postwar Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation Treaties (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Gallus, Nick. The Temporal Jurisdiction of International Tribunals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Moses, Margaret L. The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, 3rd ed (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Betz, Kathrin. Proving Bribery, Fraud and Money Laundering in International Arbitration: On Applicable Criminal Law and Evidence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, forthcoming).
Marchisio, Giacomo. The Notion of Award in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Analysis of French Law, English Law, and the UNCITRAL Model Law (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Carducci, Guido. Arbitration in France: Law and Practice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, forthcoming).
Vandevelde, Kenneth J. The First Bilateral Investment Treaties: U.S. Postwar Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation Treaties (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Kidane, Won L. The Culture of International Arbitration (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Bentolila, Dolores. Arbitrators as Lawmakers (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Reyes Anselmo. The Practice of International Commercial Arbitration: A Handbook for Hong Kong Arbitrators (New York: Routledge, 2017, forthcoming).
Diel-Gligor, Katharina. Towards Consistency in International Investment Jurisprudence: A Preliminary Ruling System for ICSID Arbitration (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Parra, Antonio R. The History of ICSID. Second Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Book Chapters
Wang, Heng. “An Assessment of the ChAFTA and Its Implications: A Work-in-Progress Type FTA with Selective Innovations?” in Colin Picker and Others (eds). The China Australia Free Trade Agreement: A 21st Century Model (Hart Publishing, 2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Bismuth, Régis. “Customary Principles Regarding Public Contracts Concluded with Foreigners” in Customary Principles Regarding Public Contracts Concluded with Foreigners, in Mathias Audit & Stephan Schill (eds). Transnational Law of Public Contracts (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2016) Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Titi, Catharine. “Procedural Multilateralism and Multilateral Investment Court” in Elaine Fahey (ed.) Institutionalisation Beyond the Nation State: Transatlantic Relations – Data Privacy and Trade Law (Springer 2017/2018). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Wang, Heng. “An Assessment of the ChAFTA and Its Implications: A Work-in-Progress Type FTA with Selective Innovations?” in Colin Picker, Heng Wang and Weihuan Zhou (eds). The China Australia Free Trade Agreement: A 21st Century Model (London: Hart Publishing, 2017, forthcoming). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Pollack, Mark A. “The New, New Sovereigntism (Or, How the Europe Union Became Disenchanted with International Law and Defiantly Protective of Its Domestic Legal Order)” in Chiara Giorgetti and Guglielmo Verdirame (eds). Concepts on International Law in Europe and the United States (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, forthcoming). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Baltagو Crina. “The ICSID Convention: A Successful Story – The Origins and History of the ICSID” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Ciurtin, Horia. “Paradoxes of (Sovereign) Consent: On the Uses and Abuses of a Notion in International Investment Law” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Castro de Figueiredo, Roberto. “The Notion of Investment and Economic Development under the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Purice, Matei. “Natural Persons as Claimants under the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Brown, Chester and Rahman, Ashique. “Juridical Persons and the Requirements of the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Albert Badia, State. “Attribution of Conducts of State-Owned Enterprises Based on Control” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Siwy, Alfred. “Contract Claims and Treaty Claims” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Wehland, Hanno. “Jurisdiction and Admissibility in Proceedings under the ICSID Convention and the ICSID Additional Facility Rules” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Potestà, Michele. “Preliminary Objections to Dismiss Claims that are Manifestly without Legal Merit under Rule 41(5) of the ICSID Arbitration Rules” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Sasson, Monique. “The Applicable Law and the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Luttrell, Sam. “Bias Challenges in ICSID Arbitration: Unsettled Issues” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
López Ortiz, Alejandro and Others. “The Role of National Courts in ICSID Arbitration” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Bento, Lucas. “Mapping the Genetic Code of Provisional Measures: Characteristics and Recent Developments” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Dudas, Stefan. “Treaty Counterclaims under the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Burgstaller, Markus. “Recognition and Enforcement of ICSID Awards: The ICSID Convention and the European Union” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Marchili, Silvia M. and McBrearty, Sara. “Annulment of ICSID Awards: Recent Trends” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Hodgson, Matthew and Evans, Elizabeth. “Allocation of Costs in ICSID Arbitrations” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Weeramantry, Romesh. “Treaty Interpretation, the ICSID Convention and Investment Treaties” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Giraud Martinelli, Vanessa A. “Modern Authoritarian Regimes and the Denunciation of the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
De Andrade Levy, Daniel. “The ICSID Convention and Non-Contracting States: The Brazilian Position Metaphor” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Khayat, Dany. and Ahern, William. “Enhancing the Appeal of Conciliation under the ICSID Convention” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Kalderimis, Daniel. “The Future of the ICSID Convention: Bigger, Better, Faster?” in Baltag, Crina. ICSID Convention after 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2017).
De Brabandere, Eric. and Lemeire, Saskia. “The Jurisdiction Ratione Temporis Of International Investment Tribunals: Some Observations on the Decision of the Tribunal in Ping An V Belgium” Grotius Centre Working Paper 2017/062-IEL, Leiden Law School Research Paper. Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Corsica, Caterina. “The BITs in the Age of Globalization: Comparative Study between Old and New Problems” (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Fach Gómez, Katia. “Legal Obstacles to International Investments in Venezuela and Anti-Corruption Policy” Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado, Año XLIX Núm. 149 (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Unuvar, Gunes. “Is CETA the Promised Breakthrough? Interpretation and Evolution of Fair and Equitable Treatment and (Indirect) Expropriation Provisions” iCourts Working Paper Series No. 97 (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Dias Simões, Fernando. “Charanne and Construction Investments v. Spain: Legitimate Expectations and Investments in Renewable Energy” Forthcoming Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Crow, Kevin. and Lorenzoni, Lina. “International Corporate Obligations, Human Rights, and the Urbaser Standard: Breaking New Ground?” Forthcoming Boston University International Law Journal (2018). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Dias Simões, Fernando. “A Guardian and a Friend? The European Commission’s Participation in Investment Arbitration” Michigan State International Law Review 25 (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Jooste, Philippus. “The Preclusive Effect of National Court Decisions in International Investment Arbitration – Res Judicata or Issue Estoppel Applicable or Not?” Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper, Student/Alumni Paper No. 15/2017. Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Nwokedi Anozie, Nnaemeka. “The Full Security and Protection Due Diligence Obligation” (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Chilton, Adam S. “Reciprocity and Public Opposition to Foreign Direct Investment” University of Chicago Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics Research Paper No. 808 (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Langford, Malcolm. “The Revolving Door in International Investment Arbitration” Journal of International Economic Law (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Yackee, Jason W. “Politicized Dispute Settlement in the Pre-Investment Treaty Era: A Micro-Historical Approach” University of Wisconsin Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1412. Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Rose, Paul. “What Responsibilities Do Sovereign Funds Have to Other Investors?” Wake Forest Law Review, Forthcoming, Ohio State Public Law Working Paper No. 399 (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Cohen, Tyler and Schneiderman, David. “The Political Economy of Chinese Bilateral Investment Treaty Policy” Forthcoming in Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Franklin, Alan. “Rule of Law: Foreign Investment and Development”. Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Catá Backer, Larry. “The Human Rights Obligations of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs): Emerging Conceptual Structures and Principles in National and International Law and Policy” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 51 (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Lin, Tsai-yu. “The Systemic Problems of Using an Investment Arbitration to Handle Investment Disputes Relating to Matters Governed by Other Chapters under an FTA” Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal 10, No. (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Collins, David A. “Narrative and Lyrical Elements in International Investment Agreements: Towards an Imagination-Inspired Understanding of International Legal Obligations” (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Langford, Malcolm and Others. “The Revolving Door in International Investment Arbitration” Journal of International Economic Law (2017). Available at SSRN: (click here for online version).
Journal of World Investment and Trade, Volume 18, Issue 3 (2017)
Schill, Stephan W. “Editorial: The New (African) Regionalism in International Investment Law” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 367 –369.
Moïse Mbengue, Makane. “Special Issue: Africa and the Reform of the International Investment Regime” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 371 –378.
Páez, Laura. “Bilateral Investment Treaties and Regional Investment Regulation in Africa: Towards a Continental Investment Area?” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 379 –413.
Moïse Mbengue, Makane and Schacherer, Stefanie. “The ‘Africanization’ of International Investment Law: The Pan-African Investment Code and the Reform of the International Investment Regime” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 414 –448.
Denters. Erik and Gazzini, Tarcisio. “The Role of African Regional Organizations in the Promotion and Protection of Foreign Investment” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 449 –492.
Baruti, Rukia. “Investment Facilitation in Regional Economic Integration in Africa: The Cases of COMESA, EAC and SADC” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 493 –529.
De Brabandere, Eric. “Fair and Equitable Treatment and (Full) Protection and Security in African Investment Treaties Between Generality and Contextual Specificity” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 530 –555.
VanDuzer, J. Anthony. “Canadian Investment Treaties with African Countries: What Do They Tell Us About Investment Treaty Making in Africa?” Journal of World Investment and Trade 18, Issue 3 (2017): 556 –584.
ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, Volume 32, Issue 2 (Spring 2017)
Fellas, John and Petrovas, Pavlos. “Diag Human SE v Czech Republic-Ministry of Health: A Broad Interpretation of the ‘Arbitration Exception’ of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 259-266.
De Stefano, Carlo. “Adel A Hamadi Al Tamimi v Sultanate of Oman: Attributing to Sovereigns the Conduct of State-Owned Enterprises: Towards Circumvention of the Accountability of States under International Investment Law” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 267-274.
Supapa, Rattapong. “Burlington Resources, Inc v Republic of Ecuador: Enforcing Economic Stability Guarantees through an Umbrella Mechanism: ‘Caveat Upstream Petroleum Investor’?” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 275-286.
Blandford, Andrew C. “The History of Fair and Equitable Treatment before the Second World War” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 287-303.
Goodman, Ronald E.M. and Parkhomenko, Yuri. “Does the Chorzów Factory Standard Apply in Investment Arbitration? A Contextual Reappraisal” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 304-325.
Kho, Stephen S. “The EU TTIP Investment Court Proposal and the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Comparing Apples and Oranges?” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 326-345.
Viñuales, Jorge E. “Investor Diligence in Investment Arbitration: Sources and Arguments” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 346-370.
Reisenfeld, Kenneth B. and Robbins, Joshua M. “Finality under the Washington and New York Conventions: Another Swing of the Pendulum?” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 371-384.
Khachvani, David. “Compensation for Unlawful Expropriation: Targeting the Illegality” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 385-403.
Muniz, Joaquim P. and Others. “The New Brazilian BIT on Cooperation and Facilitation of Investments: A New Approach in Times of Change” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 404-417.
Kang, Sungjin. “Conflict of Investment-Related Provisions under Regional Trade Agreements between Korea and China – Navigating the ‘Noodle Bowl’” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 418-430.
Sinclair, Anthony C. and Repousis, Odysseas G. “An Overview of Provisional Measures in ICSID Proceedings” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 431-446.
Wang, Wei. “The Non-Precluded Measure Type Clause in International Investment Agreements: Significances, Challenges, and Reactions” ICSID Review 32, no 2 (Spring 2017): 447-456.
Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Volume 8, Issue 2 (July 2017)
Schultz, Thomas. “A Note on Originality, Editorial Courage and Our Latest Prize Winner” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 217-218.
Becker, Michael A. and Rose, Cecily. “Investigating the Value of Site Visits in Inter-State Arbitration and Adjudication” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 219-249.
Gustavo Meira Moser, Luiz. “Inside Contracting Parties’ Minds: The Decision-making Processes in Cross-border Sales” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 250-279.
Swarabowicz, Michal. “Identity of Claims in Investment Arbitration: A Plea for Unity of the Legal System” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 280-302.
Proulx, Vincent-Joël. “An Incomplete Revolution: Enhancing the Security Council’s Role in Enforcing Counterterrorism Obligations” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 303-338.
McGarry, Brian. “The Development of Custom in Territorial Dispute Settlement” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 339-365.
d’Aspremon, Jean. “The International Court of Justice and the Irony of System-Design” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 366-387.
Talmon, Stefan. “The South China Sea Arbitration and the Finality of ‘Final’ Awards” Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8, Issue 2 (July 2017): 388-401.
Journal of International Arbitration, Volume 34, Issue 2/1 (2017)
Menon, Sundaresh. “Adjudicator, Advocate, or Something in Between? Coming to Terms with the Role of the Party-Appointed Arbitrator” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 347–371.
Kaplan, Neil. “Winter of Discontent” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 373–386.
Bao, Chiann. “Third Party Funding in Singapore and Hong Kong: The Next Chapter” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 387–400.
Wiegand, Nicolas. “Can Asia Cut the Costs?” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 401–424.
Schwing, Mel A. “The KLRCA I-Arbitration Rules: A Shari’a-Compliant Solution to the Problems with Islamic Finance Dispute Resolution in Singapore and Malaysia” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 425–458.
Ribeiro, João. Teh, Stephanie. “The Time for a New Arbitration Law in China: Comparing the Arbitration Law in China with the UNCITRAL Model Law” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 459–487.
Yang, Fan. “‘How Long Have You Got?’: Towards a Transparent and Streamlined System for Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards in China” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 489–508.
Pathak, Harshad and Panjwani, Pratyush. “Parallel Proceedings in Indian Arbitration Law: Invoking Lis Pendens” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 509–543.
Dimsey, Mariel. “Hong Kong’s Year in Review: A Résumé of 2016 Arbitration Developments” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 545–566.
Bang, John and MacArthur, David. “Korean Arbitration Act Amended to Adopt Key Features of 2006 Model Law Amendments” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2/1 (2017): 567–583.
Journal of International Arbitration, Volume 34, Issue 2 (2017)
Bühler, Michael W. and Heitzmann, Pierre R. “The 2017 ICC Expedited Rules: From Softball to Hardball?” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 121–148.
Polkinghorne, Michael and Volkmer, Sven-Michael. “The Legality Requirement in Investment Arbitration” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 149–168.
Olaś, Andrzej. “May International Arbitral Tribunals Declare Laws Unconstitutional? An International and a Polish Perspective on the Issue of Dealing with Unlawful Laws” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 169–206.
Han, Irene. “Rethinking the Use of Arbitration Clauses by Financial Institutions” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 207–237.
Osadchiy, Maxim. “Emergency Relief in Investment Treaty Arbitration: A Word of Caution” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 239–255.
Weiss, Adam J. and Others, “Techniques and Tradeoffs for Incorporating Cost- and Time-Saving Measures into International Arbitration Agreements” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 257–273.
Comrie-Thomson, Paul. “A Statement of Arbitral Jurisprudence: The Case for a National Law Obligation to Publish International Commercial Arbitral Awards” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 275–301.
Krūmiņš, Toms. “Arbitration in Latvia: A Cautionary Tale?” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 303–331.
Paschalidis, Paschalis. “The Future of Anti-Suit Injunctions in Support of Arbitration After the EU Court of Justice’s Judgment in the Gazprom Case” Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 2 (2017): 333–345.
Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 14, No. 1, 2017
Qureshi, Asif H. “Communication Flows in International Economic Law” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 1-1.
Bhala, Raj. “Exposing the Forgotten TPP Chapter: Chapter 17 as a Model for Future International Trade Disciplines on SOEs” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 2-49.
Irish, Maureen. “Development, Reciprocity and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 50-68.
Al-Louzi, Rawan. “Bilateral Investment Treaties as Tools for Enhancing Foreign Investment Climate and Increasing Competitiveness” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 69-91.
Chadwick, Anna. “World Hunger, the ‘Global’ Food Crisis, and (International) Law” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 92-114.
Vivian Adaeze, Ozue. “The Decision-Making Process of the WTO in Relation to Developing Countries” Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 115-138.
Gammage, Clair. “Regulatory Autonomy and International Trade in Services: The EU under GATS and RTAs” (Book Review) Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 14, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 139-143.