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Arbitration clause should be interpreted neither extensively, nor restrictively
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New expert report on Chinese law is only admissible insofar as it reinforces claimants’ legal arguments
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Dissenting opinion is of limited legal relevance at set-aside stage
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Background: Singaporean investors file for set-aside of award in which tribunal majority found they lacked jurisdiction to rule on existence of expropriation
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South Sudan is ordered to pay costs
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Invocation of 2012 Economic Agreement and ministerial decree did not violate the state’s right to be heard
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Sole arbitrator could validly find that South Sudan succeeded to the license agreement and arbitration clause
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Federal Tribunal finds that the license agreement and amendments were initially valid, stressing that a state may not rely on an alleged lack of authority to avoid an arbitration clause
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Waiver of parties’ right to file for set-aside is valid, but the court may nevertheless verify whether South Sudan was bound by this agreement
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South Sudan is ordered to pay security for costs
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Background: South Sudan files for set-aside of partial award that found violations of license agreement issued before the state came into existence
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Federal Tribunal also find no violation of the parties’ right to be heard, noting that the tribunal had asked the parties to comment on unforeseeable circumstances
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Court sees no violation of res judicata principle, since the two arbitrations dealt with different subject matters
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Awards may be set aside due to violation of principle of res judicata or of the parties’ right to be heard
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Additional claims raised in the proceedings are disregarded
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Request for partial set-aside is admissible
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Court recalls limited scope of set-aside proceedings
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Investment gives rise to two arbitrations, and several awards and set-aside decisions
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Background: Public-private casino venture implemented with support of Palestine Authority comes to a halt after Second Intifada
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India is ordered to pay costs
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India cannot argue that the Supreme Court decision is new evidence for revision purposes, since it was issued after the Final Award
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India had knowledge of alleged new facts before the Supreme Court decision was issued, therefore its request for revision is time-barred
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90-day limitation period for revision requests starts to run when party obtains “sufficiently certain knowledge” of a new fact or evidence
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Since the Interim Award was already subject to set-aside proceedings, India could only ask for revision of the set-aside judgment – but not of the underlying award
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