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Challenge was timely; state declined to let proceedings continue in the background
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Background: consortium secured two contracts to develop university complexes, but ran into project difficulties and later alleged razing of project site during civil war
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Composite claims are also not time-barred
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Continuing breach claim based on Korean criminal proceedings is not manifestly time-barred, since loss or damages may have been incurred after Mr. Min’s final condemnation
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Tribunal decides that stand-alone claim based on Woori Bank enforcement actions is clearly time-barred, and thus manifestly without legal merit
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Parties agree on cut-off date
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Parties disagree on characterization of claims; tribunal decides to address stand-alone claim based on Woori Bank enforcement actions despite the claimant’s contention that he had not made such a claim
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Tribunal cautions against pre-judging factual or legal issues and opines that the objection should be decided “quite shortly”
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Considerations of efficiency are relevant to Rule 41(5) objections
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Korea objects that certain claims are manifestly time-barred
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Background: Imprisoned investor lodges ICSID claim
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Albania was ordered to reimburse a majority of the claimants’ costs
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Tribunal opts for DCF valuation despite scarcity of data
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No need to show causation for each individual act
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BIT’s compensation and valuation standards are inapplicable to unlawful expropriation
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Agonset taking was not a legitimate exercise of police powers, but an orchestrated campaign against claimants
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Tribunal finds that the claimants were deprived of their investments in Agonset
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Hydro was not denied right of first negotiation
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Claims relating to investments associated with Kalivac were rejected
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“[A]dministrative irritations and bureaucratic incompetence” do not amount to FET breach
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The Kalivac Project was not expropriated
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Wind farm project proposal was not a covered investment
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Local court proceedings do not render the claims inadmissible
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Claims are not purely contractual
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