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Supplementary means of interpretation provide no evidence against broad reading of arbitration clause; declaration under Article 25(4) of the ICSID Convention considered irrelevant to consent to arbitrate by the tribunal
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Tribunal held that disputes “involving the amount of compensation for expropriation” cover broader expropriation claims under the BIT, including whether an expropriation had actually occurred
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Investor made prima facie claim of unlawful expropriation
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In the absence of an explicit limitation, tribunal found that excluding indirect investments from the scope of the BIT would constitute an arbitrary amendment of the treaty
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Tribunal looked beyond date of direct acquisition of the investment, finding that previous indirect control was sufficient to constitute protected investment under the BIT
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In the absence of an explicit limitation, the tribunal found no reason to exclude investments from Hong Kong from the scope of the BIT once the nationality requirement is met
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Decision by state to confer its nationality enjoys “strong presumption of validity”; objecting party must satisfy “onerous” burden of rebutting this presumption
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Tribunal considered that arbitration clauses are subject to same standard of interpretation as clauses containing substantive protections
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Tribunal criticised “loser pays” principle, considering that the general standard under public international law is that each party should bear its own costs
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Interest rate set at average rate of 10-year US bonds
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Tribunal set high threshold for granting moral damages, which was not met by the investor
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Fact that the investor retained ownership over the investment was considered irrelevant to the quantification of damages, since the company had no residual value
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Tribunal rejected DCF model due to short track record of the investment, preferring to rely on the company’s adjusted book value
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Tribunal excluded bad faith on the part of the investors for conducts that aimed at mitigating damage and protecting the claimant’s interests in the proceedings
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Lack of adequate and effective remedies confirmed unlawfulness of the expropriation
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Failure to comply with Peruvian laws and guidelines and absence of effective legal remedies deemed material to measures’ arbitrariness
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Internal and Peruvian law provided for analogous standards to assess arbitrariness of state’s conduct
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Police powers exception does not apply if state’s conduct is arbitrary or discriminatory
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Impact and duration of interim measures resulted in an indirect expropriation of Mr Tza’s investment
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Tribunal defined indirect expropriation based on impact of the measures, but held that exercise of police powers prevented compensation unless investor proved arbitrary or discriminatory conduct on the part of the state
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Tribunal delved into details about conditions for imposing interim measures under Peruvian law, noting that exercise of discretionary powers by state authority must be based on an informed, justified, and reasoned decision
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Tribunal considered that tax audit constituted a routine operation within the powers of the tax authority; full analysis on the point attached as a separate annex to the Award
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Police powers deserve deference, but not when measures are unreasonable, discriminatory, or abusive
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Applicable law includes domestic law, but only as a tool to define the legal relationship between the parties; conduct of the state must be evaluated against its international obligations
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Background: Chinese investor claimed that provisional seizure of his assets by Peruvian tax authority amounted to an indirect expropriation of his investment in the fishmeal sector
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Notice of intent is adequate for Article 26(4) of ECT to constitute acceptance of offer to arbitrate under the treaty – tribunal differentiates Benabderrahmane v. Qatar
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Application of ICSID Rules is governed by date of claimants’ consent to arbitration
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CELEC is ordered to pay 4.2 million USD in costs
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Interest rate is calculated based on rates of Ecuador’s Central Bank, non-compounded
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Most counterclaims fail based on prior finding that CELEC wrongly terminated the contract; remaining counterclaim is dismissed on the merits
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Tribunal awards 45 million USD to Inter Rao for earned value, reimbursement of guarantees, and damages
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Contract allows for unilateral termination in case of breach
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CELEC’s jurisdictional objections are inconsistent with counterclaims
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Dispute over the Contract’s unilateral termination falls within the scope of the arbitration agreement
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Parties’ dispute over the Contract’s unilateral termination is arbitrable both under the lex arbitri and under Ecuadorean law
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Contract is subject to Ecuadorean regime for international contracts with publicly-held companies; the CISG does not apply to turnkey contracts
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Background: Termination of hydroelectricity contract leads to arbitration claim
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Alleged unenforceability of the award cannot deprive the tribunal of jurisdiction
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Comity cannot trip the case, since it is inapplicable in the circumstances
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Investor-state disputes are arbitrable under international law, with majority considering that this conclusion is boosted by international public policy
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Actions and instruments by EU member states cannot trump clear meaning of BIT
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Finding of invalidity of BIT’s ISDS clause would not undo past consent of the parties to arbitrate
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Achmea ruling did not include an analysis under international law, which is the sole way for the tribunal to review the BIT’s alleged invalidity
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Tribunal majority sees no incompatibility between EU legal framework and BIT arbitrations
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EU treaties and BIT do not share the same subject matter, since they deal with different topics, grant different rights, and provide for different remedies
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Law applicable to the tribunal’s jurisdiction and the merits is international law; EU law may only be relevant through the rules on succession of treaties
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Silence in treaty cannot be interpreted as a bar to multi-party proceedings
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Differences in prayers for relief and causes of action between domestic and international proceedings indicate that the same dispute has not been brought before two different
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BIT contains fork-in-the-road clause, whose purpose is to prevent investors from having two bites of the cherry
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No abuse or fraud in using foreign companies to hold interests in domestic companies
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Prohibition of round-trip investments would amount to unduly adding jurisdictional requirement to the treaty, tribunal finds
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While abuse would justify refusing to rule on the claims, the tribunal see no abuse in 2014 reorganisation
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No abuse in restructuring, since investments were already protected by treaty
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“Permanent seat” requires more than registration, but claimants meet the test
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BIT’s negotiating material undermines the state’s interpretation of “permanent seat”, majority holds
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Effet utile principle backs the claimants’ contention that “permanent seat” refers to genuineness of seat in home state
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Terms “permanent seat” should be given an autonomous meaning under international law
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Proceedings are partly bifurcated, as one objection is tied to the merits, while another one would benefit from waiting for development on intra-EU stage
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Background: Group of companies active in Czechia’s gambling sector lodges treaty arbitration
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Costs are split
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FPS claim is dismissed for the same reasons as FET claim
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The state’s de facto conduct afforded reasonable protection for the claimants’ acquired rights, despite adverse local decisions
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Vested or acquired rights are protected under international
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The state never made any specific representation inducing the claimants’ investment
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Alleged violation of legitimate expectations must be disproportionate to amount to an FET breach
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No arbitrariness in municipalities exercising their right of self-governance, or in domestic courts deciding on domestic legal matters
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FET standard includes obligation to maintain a stable regulatory framework, although this obligation is not absolute
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States’ right to legislate is particularly relevant in sectors where state sovereignty or welfare are at stake
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Tribunal is not acting as supranational review court, since its jurisdiction is limited to examining alleged breaches of the BIT
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BIT and international law apply to the dispute; arbitrators have no jurisdiction to interpret or apply EU and domestic law
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Background: Changes to licensing authority over gambling systems curtail claimants’ operations
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Background: Colombia files for annulment, criticizing the tribunal’s treatment of its corruption and illegality objection
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Question of whether heirs can bring claim if the deceased investor never consented to ICSID/ECT arbitration is novel and requires further briefing, therefore the high standard of Rule 41(5) is not met
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Rule 41(5) objection must focus on legal (rather than factual) elements and can be jurisdictional in nature
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Failure to provide ELA funding to Laiki-owned subsidiary was discriminatory
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Contemporaneous buyout offer does not reflect fair market value, as it came when claimant’s subsidiary was already meant to be sold
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Tribunal can show “some flexibility” with burden of proof on causation
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No arbitrariness in regulator’s failure to answer request when the claimant itself failed to comply with agreed procedure
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Reficar is awarded 87% of administrative costs and 58% of legal costs
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Tribunal fixes liquidation date of contract and sets off damages awarded to the parties
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Liability cap does not apply since there was culpa grave and gross negligence in the breaches of the agreement
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Tribunal grants costs for uncompleted works to Reficar, while rejecting claims outside the scope of the arbitration
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Tribunal finds improper delay in the completion of the project
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Tribunal accepts counterclaims for unpaid invoices but significantly reduces amounts awarded to CB&I
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Exclusions reduce excess costs by over 1 billion USD
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Tribunal finds that Modified Total Cost approach would be the appropriate standard to assess reasonableness of costs
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Contractual breach of commitment to control costs leads to finding of liability
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Decision to switch cost methodology was not induced by dolo incidental
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Tribunal fails to find any bad faith in pre-contractual negotiations
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Tribunal makes detailed assessment of pre-contractual negotiations and finds that Reficar implicitly accepted the change in payment terms
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Applicable law requires joint consideration of Colombian and New York Law
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Absence of witnesses would result in additional scrutiny; access to evidence does not result in shifting of burden of proof
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Tribunal allows use of evidence obtained in parallel court proceedings, but restricts use of documents protected by attorney-client privilege
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Background: Dispute over delayed refinery project leads to claims of over 1.7 billion USD
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Set-aside proceedings against Lion Mexico award remain pending before US courts; motion to intervene reveals tribunal’s decision on amicus curiae applications
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Respondent ordered to pay part of Laiki’s legal expenses, and to bear the costs of the arbitration in full, plus interest
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Interest rate is set at LIBOR for six-months deposits, plus 2%, compounded semi-annually
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Claimant is awarded damages in the amount of 34.5 million EUR for discriminatory exclusion from ELA and consequent increased costs of funding
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Claimant fails to provide evidence to support counterfactual scenario for loss of profits
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